What My Athletes Say


I have never had the tenacity to complete a training plan. I have followed pre-made plans and ones out of books or magazines for various races but I think knowing that whatever I was following wasn't made specifically for me made it feel impersonal and when I was feeling unmotivated to run I wasn't motivated by a piece of paper or a screenshot of a plan to get up and go.  We're not motivated all the time, it takes external prodding and motivation sometimes! An actual person or coach telling me to do the plan really helps keep me going.  Also, when life throws me a curve ball I am able to just ask how I can change things to stay successful rather than letting myself feel defeated when I fell off plan.


I have made not only some of my best times running with Christie as my coach but I have completed races feeling amazing physically.  As a personal trainer I understand what training is for but in the past I had never completed a race being able to walk or even workout the next day, now, I feel great and can even live my normal life without being sore or out of commission. Training, specifically personalized run training, is keeping me running better and more than I ever thought.


Christie is an amazing running coach! I had a lofty goal of shaving off 40 minutes off my marathon time. Though I was not able to reach that goal due to an injury I still was able to PR by 30 minutes! And I give all of the credit to Christie! She was able to tailor a training plan that worked best for me and was very  flexible when I had to change my plan due to my injury and when I got COVID. Besides creating a great plan, I learned so much about fueling and running. Prior to working with Christie I knew very little about fueling and the importance of properly fueling before, during and after running. I highly recommend Christie to anyone that needs not only a great training plan but also wants to become a more effective runner. Look forward to working with Christie again! 


"Working with Christie was the highlight of my running journey last year! Due to travel and life we didn’t meet for several months into our training but I felt like she still knew me well and knew what I needed and how to adjust my plan from week to week based on my performance.

I was doing something I hadn’t done before: training for a marathon followed by a 50K a few weeks later. I felt really prepared to hit my goals, and while the weather made the marathon into an unexpected challenge, Christie helped me reframe, refuel and prepare for the longer race. Even though it was on a busy weekend in early December, she drove all the way to central VA to see me at the end. It was such an effort on her part and I truly appreciated it!"


Thank you Christie!

Your detailed plan to get me in shape for my 7 day hike worked beautifully. The last time I did this I had to stop mid-hill to rest and catch my breath. This time at the end of each day, I still had enough umf to walk to dinner or take in a site or two. I felt better trained for the specific terrain I was covering including all of the hills that we encountered. The work ahead of time working up to both distance and hill repeats made a big difference. The plan you created allowed me to take an unexpected break and return to the plan without setback. I could not have done this without your help.


Christie has been wonderful to work with over the past 7 months. She is very knowledgeable about running, very supportive, and goes above and beyond in her coaching and support. She does much more than provide a weekly training plan to follow. She is focused on supporting the whole athlete, physically and emotionally. Our weekly calls provide me with information, guidance and support needed to have successful training runs and races. Being a runner herself, she can relate to the highs and lows that can come with training and racing. She has helped me through various injuries, and always takes the time to answer my questions and concerns. With her support, encouragement, and varied training plans, I have been able to persevere through these injuries and continue training.

Christie’s positivity and words of encouragement stuck with me during my latest half-marathon, which helped in making it a successful and enjoyable race.

I highly recommend Christie and plan to continue working with her for the foreseeable future.